February, 2018

Blood pressure: systolic and diastolic; hypertension: guidelines, causes, risk factors, complications, treatment, antihypertensive drugs. This video is available for instant download licensing here:  https://www.alilamedicalmedia.com/-/g...
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Voice by: Sue Stern. 
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Blood pressure is the force the circulating blood EXERTS on the walls of blood vessels. It is different in different types of vessels, but the term ”blood pressure”, when not specified otherwise, refers to ARTERIAL pressure in the SYSTEMIC circulation. 
When the heart contracts and pumps blood into the aorta, during systole, the aortic pressure RISES, and so does the systemic arterial pressure. The maximum pressure following an ejection is called the SYSTOLIC pressure. In between heart beats, when the ventricles refill, blood pressure FALLS to its lowest value called the DIASTOLIC pressure. THESE are the 2 numbers on a blood pressure reading.