Ayurveda Clinic Bansko  

People in industrial areas are more at risk of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints. The disease progresses, starting from the small joints and spreading to the big ones – fingers and legs, wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles .

In addition to being a disease of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatoid arthritis can cause inflammation in the lungs, blood vessels, various internal organs. This leads to problems with breathing, blood supply, etc.

In fact, the types of arthritis are a hundred, with each type having specific peculiarities of distribution and consequences. Children, women, men can be affected by the various forms. According to studies done worldwide, the population suffering from rheumatoid arthritis is between half and one percent, with cases being more common in industrial areas.

The risk of the disease in women is nearly three times higher. It usually occurs between the ages of 35 and 50 , although symptoms can occur and develop at all ages. Most cases have pre-periods with different manifestations, which can last from weeks to one year:

  • fatigue
  • chills
  • fever
  • Easy fatigue
  • muscle pain
  • tendons
  • nervousness, etc.

The actual manifestation of the disease is joint swelling, redness, swelling, stiffness and tenderness , which is generally stronger in the early hours of the morning and on rising. This stiffness and soreness can completely immobilize the limbs. The development of the disease leads to severe deformities , visible curvature of the fingers, contraction of the elbows, without the hands can stretch.

The movement is also blocked by inflammatory lesions on the tissue of the surrounding muscles and tendons. In Western medicine, there is no clear consensus on the causes of arthritis and there is virtually no cure, only relief of symptoms. Some experts define it as autoimmune, others as inflammatory, others as combined. Used anti-inflammatory agents, additional analgesic, but the disease is not removed, but is held in a “silent” form. In contrast, Ayurveda has a clear strategy and methods for successfully treating the disease in its various forms. However, before commenting on how Ayurveda treats rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to outline the Ayurvedic view of the disease in order to understand why it is being done.

How Ayurveda understands rheumatoid arthritis

Ayurveda has studied the forms of arthritis and has found ways to treat it naturally in ancient times. There are only two cases in which the disease is incurable even for Ayurveda.

For Ayurvedic patients,   rheumatoid arthritis, like all other diseases, is a matter of disturbed energy balance in the body – any of the three energies / doshi / comes out of the birth equilibrium, causing impaired function of different organs and systems, leading to diseases.

The group of arthritic diseases in Sanskrit is called the Amavas . The idea is that ama (toxins formed in the body) is transmitted throughout the body by the moving energy of Vata and accumulates on the tissues as a sticky layer, including in the joints. Energy / Dosha / Vata performs all kinds of movements – from blood flow and nerve impulses to blinking.

In this case, blood circulation is essential – the toxins are spread through the blood through the body. When Vata is out of balance, it can even block the movement of the other two doshas – without it they are immobile and the organs and systems that govern it cannot function.

The toxins themselves are formed mainly by poor digestion, which is responsible for the second of the three energies in the body – Pita Dosha . This is the energy of transformations. When it is unbalanced and digestion is poor, the food is not completely degraded to be processed and digested, but to throw away the unnecessary and harmful. Thus, residual food residues remain in the intestines and poisons are released during rotting. Through the blood flow together with the useful nutrients , they are “distributed” in the body, metabolism is impaired, the nourishment of the cells is accompanied by “suffocation” of the poisons, the tissues are damaged.

Over time, the Ama layer becomes larger, in the case of rheumatoid arthritis, it is a build-up in the joints. And here we are touching on the complications that come from the disorders in the third Dosha – Kafa , which is about controlling the fluids in the body. Its “liquid” nature is close to that of Ama – wet, greasy, heavy, cold , and when Kafa is strengthened, instead of nourishing and supporting the joints, it can be mixed with Ama.

Thus, the occurrence and development of rheumatoid arthritis can be contributed by abnormalities in the three doshas. For the leading reason, the disease may be Vata, or Kafa, or Pita. Accurate recognition by an ayurvedic doctor is important, because the answer to the question is how ayurvedic treats rheumatoid arthritis.