Published: Mar 26, 2016

by Susan Patterson

Eczema is a skin condition where red, itchy and scaly rashes appear on the skin. People with asthma and other allergies are more prone to it. Seen more often in infants and young children, it usually affects the tender skin on the cheek, wrist, elbow, knees, hands and feet.

If you suffer from eczema you know all too well how uncomfortable it can be. This condition is marked by red, swollen, itchy and very sore skin that can sometimes bubble, crack and bleed.  Many people suffer from this condition on their elbows, wrists, ankles, neck or behind the knees and the condition is common in young children, usually, but not always, improving with age.

Eczema is not a life-threatening condition, but it can cause untold discomfort. Severe itching can cause irritability and sleeplessness. The skin in the area is usually dry and rough, but the rashes may open up, oozing and forming ugly crusts that often results in social ostracism. Opportunistic infections by bacteria and fungi can exacerbate the condition further.

While you may have been prescribed a topical cream for your eczema, these often mask the problem and only take away the pain and itching temporarily. There is, however, one natural remedy that is loaded with healing properties that not only soothes acute redness and irritation but also keeps infection at bay.



Eczema sufferers have to almost always deal with patches of dry skin, even when there is no perceptible rash. They are usually advised to use mineral oil or petroleum jelly based moisturizers since water-based products are of no help. Petroleum products do nothing but prevent water loss from the skin by forming an inert barrier on the skin surface.

Coconut oil is an excellent skin moisturizer that does a lot more than just provide a barrier. It gets absorbed into the skin tissue, where it works as an emollient. It softens the dry, brittle skin characteristic of eczema, preventing skin breakups that invite opportunistic bacteria. It improves the feel of rough, scaly skin and reduces irritation.

This tropical oil’s superiority over mineral oil has been tried and tested clinically, wherein children treated with coconut oil showed a significant reduction in eczema symptoms, compared to those treated with mineral oil. Another study proved that coconut oil is superior to olive oil when it comes to eczema management.