Homeopathy is another common natural treatment for Allergies - one of the more gentle forms of treatment - that is most likely to relief allergy related health problems or symptoms, food intolerances and sensitivities.

Homeopathy is based on the idea that like treats like; homeopaths generally use substances that contain a microscopic amount of a substance that would normally cause a condition, on the idea that it will actually stimulate the body’s immune system to treat the condition or symptom.

If you want to try homeopathic remedies, you best consult with a trained homeopath, to match a remedy that suits your personality, individual constitution and symptoms.

When you are suffering from allergies, sometimes trying something new is better than suffering. Alternative Allergy Treatments can relief if not eliminate allergy like symptoms. Even though it is likely that symptoms initially get worse when starting treatment, which according to homeopathic theorie is a desired 'crisis' on the healing path - indicating that the remedies work. However, homeopathy appears to have no side-effects whatsoever.

Homeopathic remedies helpful to people with allergies.

Arsenicum album:

This remedy is useful for people who are highly sensitive to many foods and substances, and respond to them by feeling restless, ill, and exhausted. Asthma and digestive disorders (such as vomiting and diarrhea) are common reactions. Burning sensations relieved by warmth, and thirst for frequent small sips of water can also suggest this remedy. A person who needs Arsenicum tends toward strong anxiety, and may have excessive concern over neatness, details, and order.

Calcarea carbonica:

This remedy often helps with fatigue, gas, and digestive problems common to individuals with food sensitivities. Digestive troubles with gas and heartburn are common, especially after eating wheat or dairy products. Swollen lymph nodes and tonsils, head sweats during sleep, shortness of breath from exertion, back pain, dizziness, nightmares, and strong cravings for sweets are often seen. Individuals who need this remedy are sometimes oversensitive to aspirin.

Calcarea phosphorica:

Irritability, headaches, stomach and abdominal pains, and a craving for “junk food” are all indications for this remedy. Stiffness in the neck and back, leg cramps, and aggravation from cold are also likely. The person may seem dissatisfied, with a strong desire for travel or a change of circumstances and a tendency to complain when fatigue and health problems interfere. This remedy is often helpful to restless, whiny children who have growing pains, get headaches from school, and have picky appetites with many food problems.