Kaiser Permanente
Last Review: 10-31-2012

Remedy Options

Primary Remedies

Allium cepa

Indications for this remedy include watery eyes and a clear nasal discharge that irritates the upper lip, along with sneezing and a tickling cough. The person usually is thirsty, and feels worse indoors and when rooms are warm, and better in fresh air.

Arsenicum album

A burning, watery, runny nose with a stuffy, tickling feeling during allergy attacks suggests a need for this remedy. Swelling below the eyes and a wheezy cough are common. The person may feel chilly, restless, anxious, and is often very tired.


A tired, droopy feeling during allergies with a flushed and heavy-feeling face suggest a need for this remedy. A sensation of dryness or of swollen membranes may be felt inside the nose—or the nose may run with irritating watery discharge, with the person sneezing frequently. Aching in the back of the head and neck, a trembling feeling, and chills along the spine are often seen when a person needs Gelsemium.

Natrum muriaticum

This remedy relieves runny nose alternating with periods of dryness and stinging in the nasal cavity.


Long paroxysms of sneezing, itching in the nose with irritating runny discharge, a feeling of a lump in the throat, and watery eyes will all suggest a need for this remedy. The person may feel nervous during allergy attacks, and trying to concentrate can bring on drowsiness or headache.

Other Remedies

Apis mellifica

This remedy relieves nasal congestion with stinging pain, improved by cold air.


This remedy can be helpful if the eyes are swollen and irritated with acrid tears or pus. The nose also runs, but with a blander discharge. Symptoms are often worse in the daytime and worse from warmth, and the eyes may hurt from too much light. The person can also have a cough in the daytime, which improves at night.

Ferrum phosphoricum

This is a very useful remedy in the early stages of any inflammation. Taken when allergy symptoms start, it often slows or stops an episode. Symptoms include runny eyes with a burning or gritty feeling, facial flushing, watery nose, and short, hard, tickling cough.

Galphimia glauca

This relieves spasmodic sneezing from hay fever.