Sidharth Sharma
Oct 7, 2019
Glaucoma is a term related to the disorder of the eye which occurs due to increased intraocular pressure leading to optic neuropathy. Due to Glaucoma eyes optic nerve can be damaged and result in vision loss. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that makes use of herbs existing in nature and formulates herbal remedies using the inherent power present in the herb.
Causes of Glaucoma
It’s the result of an intrinsic deterioration of the optic nerve, which leads to high fluid pressure on the front part of the eye. Generally, the fluid called aqueous humour flows out from the eye through a meshlike channel. Many of the doctors considered this disease occurs because of dilating eye drops, medications, poor or reduced blood flow to the optic nerve, high or elevated blood pressure or blocked or restricted drainage in your eye.
Symptoms of Glaucoma
Some common signs and symptoms of a Glaucoma patient are open-angle glaucoma, Acute angle-closure glaucoma. Symptoms vary from patchy blind spots, tunnel vision, headache, eye pain, blurred vision, etc.
Glaucoma Treatment in Ayurveda
There are several different ways from which the Glaucoma can be treated. The ways are given below. Mainly the major procedure done for the Ayurvedic treatment of Glaucoma are:
1. Nasya Karma - Vaisheshika Nasya is useful to improve eyesight. It is indicated in visual disturbance such as timira. Nasya is a kind of Panchakarma treatment, for body cleansing used in Ayurvedic medicine. The administration of oil by the route of the nasal cavity is termed as nasya.
2. Pindi: Pindi is the most advanced form of Bidalaka. Instead of direct application of medicinal paste on eyes, it is kept in cotton or Doshaghna leaves and kept tightly over the eyelids. Pindi relieves the symptoms of Netrabhishyanda, Adhimantha, Shotha, Netrakandu, Kaphaja Netraroga, etc.
3. Bidalaka: It is the application of medicated paste on the outer surface of the eye i.e. eyelids. Bidalaka is of 3 types according to the thickness of paste as Uttama (the best), Madhyama (moderate), and Heena (minimal). Bidalaka relieves burning, discharge, excessive tears, swelling, redness, itching, etc of eyes.
4. Anjana: Application of medicine to the internal surface of lid margin from Kaninika Sandhi to Apanga Sandhi with Anjana Shalaka is called as Anjana. Types of Anjana according to the action of drugs are as: Lekananjan: Used in Kapha predominant disease of eyes. In Vata predominant diseases: AmlaLavana Rasa. In Pitta predominant diseases: Tikta-Kashaya Rasa, In Rakta Predominant diseases: KashayaTikta Rasa. Ropananjana: This is a medicine which is oily and gives strength and complexion to the eyes. Prasadananjana: It is prepared with Madhur and Snigdha medicines.
5. Raktamokshan: Raktamokshana is a type of Panchakarma. It is the process of elimination of vitiated Dosha that accumulates in the body. Siravedha and Jalaukavacharana are types of Raktamokshana. These procedures are described in the management of all systemic diseases including the diseases of Karna, Nasa, Mukha, Netra, and Shira. According to Ayurveda, the diseases of eyes were caused by the vitiation of Tridoshas.