February 2018
by Kenzie Vath

It has been a long nine years since I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I have been suffering from chronic Lyme for twice as long or over 18 years. After my diagnosis, I started researching right away how I would be able to manage my illness. Many allopathic medical treatments flooded the internet and seemed to be the only option for Lyme treatment at the time. I noticed that none of the treatments were as effective though if I did not keep up with my daily self-care. This consisted of healthy nutrition, physical activity, and a personalized self-care regimen. Each played an important role in the outcome of my overall health.

I dove straight into researching what the proper nutritional requirements were for Lyme patients. In 2007 though, not much information was available to help guide me to the right nutritional choices. So I decided to go back to school and study holistic medicine. My education reviewed everything from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to Ayurvedic healing. Sharing this valuable information with those I met sparked my compassion to help others who were suffering from Lyme disease and its co-infections.

Thus Holistic Umbrella was founded. Holistic Umbrella is a wellness-based lifestyle company based in Southern California. Our mission is to provide a holistic approach to balance our client’s health and wellness; this as a means of creating joy in their personal, family and friends lives, and so that they can positively impact their community. My personal goal for the upcoming year is to offer a variety of wellness-based events to local communities. I would love for you to join me in 2018 to make a positive impact on your health.