July 20

Fish oil has become a very popular supplement due to its various uses and benefits, and researchers still are finding more ways that fish oil can improve one’s well being, specifically in the realm of mental health and anxiety.

Fish Oil for Depression and Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions in the United States.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America estimates that around 18 percent of Americans have anxiety. Anxiety and depression are often grouped together, but the symptoms can vary in slight but important ways.

While common symptoms of depression include sadness and hopelessness, symptoms of anxiety lie more towards fear and panic. Nevertheless, the two are usually treated in a similar way, primarily with serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Now that more natural remedies are coming to light, we may see a move away from anti-depressants and towards treatments like fish oil.

However, the two are usually treated in a similar way; primarily through serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)  although natural treatments like fish oil are becoming increasingly popular.

What is Fish Oil?

As the name suggests, fish oil is oil that’s taken from the tissues of oily fish, such as cod and salmon. Larger, predatory fish are often preferred because they typically eat a diet high in algae and smaller fish, which are both excellent sources of Omega-3 acids, which are some of the most important aspects of fish oil.

Omega-3 is a type of ‘good’ fat; an unsaturated fat, like that found in nuts and seeds, that doesn’t have the same cholesterol-raising effects of ‘bad’ saturated fats. In fact, unsaturated fats could actually help to lower cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease, according to the American Heart Association.  Fish oil has even been shown to help reduce inflammation, protect the heart, regulate blood pressure, and even help treat skin conditions such as psoriasis.