May 2017

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My Favorite Magnesium:

Different Forms of Magnesium

Different Forms of Magnesium | Anxiety, Cramps, and Digestion: Thomas DeLauer

For magnesium to be better absorbed by the body, it is attached to another substance. Below are explanations of the different forms of magnesium. 

1. Magnesium chloride: detoxing, metabolism, kidney function
Contains only 12% magnesium, however the magnesium is highly bioavailable 

2. Magnesium citrate: not recommended, as it interferes with Ceruloplasmin and can cause iron dysregulation and health issues
High bioavailability of about 90%
Laxative properties

3. Magnesium glycinate: relaxing, good absorption rate, leaky gut, nerve pain
Chelated form of magnesium
Glycine is known as a calming amino acid, and magnesium is calming as well → chronic pain and nerve pain relief 
Transported through the intestinal wall, so no laxative property 
High bioavailability, considered ideal for correcting a deficiency 

4. Magnesium malate: energizing, fibromyalgia, muscle pain
Chelated form of magnesium
High bioavailability
Malate is used in the cellular energy cycle, aiding in ATP production 

5. Magnesium oxide: good in small doses throughout the day
Non-chelated form of magnesium where magnesium is bound to a fatty acid or organic acid
Frequently used for acid reflux treatment and as a laxative
Low bioavailability, about 4%, however contains a high concentration of magnesium

6. Magnesium sulfate: small doses, best in bath
Most widely known as epsom salts
There is limited evidence that epsom salt baths may increase the levels of magnesium in the body, however there is currently no peer-reviewed evidence published
Do not take more than very small amounts orally - a powerful laxative 
Easy to overdose - do not take more than directed

7. Taurate and orotate: cardiovascular health
Oronates are used in the body to create DNA and RNA
Ability to penetrate the cell membrane leads to magnesium delivery to the inner parts of the cell
Because of these properties this form is very effective and readily absorbable 
Taurate is a chelated form of magnesium with the amino acid taurine, with high bioavailability
Known for calming properties on both mind and body
Both magnesium and taurine have cardiac health benefits

8. Magnesium threonate: brain injuries, PTSD, depression, neuro conditions, anxiety
Has been shown in an animal study to improve both short term and long term memory when compared to magnesium citrate 

9. Magnesium water: one of the co-factors, improves absorption

(Not really sure what they are talking about there - I found magnesium water that is done through injections (probably not this one) and magnesium bicarbonate water that it looks like you have to make)

Magnesium sulfate in water with correct pH for injection
4% or 8% concentration
For the prevention and control of seizures

Magnesium bicarbonate water:
Magnesium bicarbonate crumbles when solid, so best taken when combined with water
Highly bioavailable, so great for deficiency 
Mix 2 liters of seltzer water with 3 tablespoons unflavored milk of magnesia and keep in labeled containers
Drink 4 ounces up to twice per day
Do not take more or it will act as a laxative 
Use within 2 weeks maximum


1. 9 common types of magnesium explained 

2. Understanding different types of magnesium 

3. Benefits of magnesium is far greater than previously expected 

4. Magnesium water

5. Magnesium water: from wheat belly total health