Coronavirus COVID – 19 Advice from the UK Homeopathic Community (4Homeopathy)

In the wake of the new strain of Coronavirus, COVID-19 we felt it would be helpful to publish some guidelines.

All advice from the chief medical officer is based around hygiene and prevention. WE CANNOT STRESS STRONGLY ENOUGH THAT THESE MEASURES ARE OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE AND EVERYONE SHOULD BE ADVISED TO FOLLOW THEM. They are vital both for our own health, and also for those with whom we come into contact.

This advice includes:-

Frequent hand washing – with warm soapy water or high alcohol based hand sanitisers. It is particularly important to wash hands after travelling and after blowing your nose. Practitioners should always wash their hands before and after contact with patients. Avoid anti-bacterial washes without high alcohol content as they do not eradicate viruses. Look for hand sanitisers containing 65-95% alcohol. For further information on effective hand washing go to

Considerate Cough Hygiene – it is important to catch coughs and sneezes in either a clean tissue or the bend of your elbow. This greatly reduces the spread of droplets and any infective organisms. Tissues should be disposed of thoughtfully so that others do not come into contact with them. Avoid touching other people or objects until you are able to wash or sanitise your hands again.

Avoid touching your face – this is especially important when you are out and haven’t recently washed your hands. Viruses can survive on objects or our own hands and can enter our systems through the eyes. Avoid touching or rubbing your eyes with unclean hands.

Avoid contact with large numbers of people – and refrain from close physical contact with associates and colleagues such as handshakes or hugs.

Isolation – if you are concerned you may have contracted the virus, do not go directly to your GP or visit another medical service. Instead, phone 111 for guidance and maintain self-isolation until you are advised otherwise.

For further information see official guidance from the UK government, the UK NHS and World Health Organisation.

What we know about Coronavirus – COVID 19

Coronavirus is a common virus which causes colds, influenza-like symptoms and pneumonia. COVID-19 is a new strain which means fewer people already have immunity to it. It appears to have the most severe effect on the elderly and people with existing medical conditions – particularly those with respiratory problems.

There are no gold standard scientific trials available for homeopathic, or any other, treatment of this coronavirus strain.