Abstract: Cardio vascular emergencies are life threatening disorders that must be recognized immediately to avoid delay in treatment and to minimize morbidity and mortality. Use of Homoeopathy as first aid is elaborated.
- An Approach to the very ill patient
The problem with very ill patients is that a life slipping through your fingers and you must find out what the matter is to save that life but the patient is too ill survive a detailed history and examination. Remember that in emergencies prompt action saves lives.
- Grading Emergencies
Even within emergencies there are gradations so that for most emergencies, there is time to assess your patient in some detail, these are Fatal Emergencies. Other emergencies demand the promptest action, such that when summoned from sleep, there is no time even to dress. These are Rapidly Fatal emergencies.
You need to know by instinct what to do when you arrive at the bedside of a patient in emergencies. My aim here is to allow the readers to prepare their minds so that they can make the most of such observations.
The trick is to buy time by supporting vital function. To achieve this you must proceed as follows:
FIRST QUESTION TO ASK YOURSELF IS AVPU? That is to say is the patient
V=Responsive to vocal stimuli
P=Responsive to pain
- If the patient is Alert or responding to vocal stimuli then patient is CONSCIOUS
- If the patient is unconscious look weather he is responding to painful stimuli then the patient is said to have ALTERED SENSORIUM
- If the patient is not responsive to verbal and pain stimuli then the patient is said to be in COMA.