November 2018
Praveen Kumar Mishra, Prashant D Math



Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurobehavioral disorder of childhood and one among the most prevalent chronic health conditions affecting school age children, its symptoms include difficulty in staying focused, paying attention controlling behavior and hyperactivity.

The reason for ADHD as per ayurveda is vitiation of dhee (rational thinking), dhriti (retaining power of mind), smriti (memory) which causes abnormality and abnormal conduct resulting in improper contact of senses with their objective and give rise to inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

The current practice of ADHD treatment is use of stimulant medicine which have various side effects, Hence Ayurveda gives an better treatment option in the form of its herbal medication.

Ashwagandha is a drug having both vatashamaka and rasayan property. As ADHD is having features like Anavasthita chitta, manovibhram, buddhi vibhram, achara, chesta vibrama , smriti vibhrama which shows predominancy of vatadosha hence, 50 Ashwagandha is the drug of choice for this disease.

This article deals with positive effect of ashwagandha in children with ADHD.