People who use (or have used) tanning beds, sunlamps, or both also get AKs. The amount of the harmful radiation produced by a tanning bed is similar to that of the sun, and in some cases might be stronger.

AKs tend to appear on skin that’s been the most badly damaged by the sun. That’s why they often appear on the face, ears, balding scalp, hands, neck, or lips. These areas tend to get the most sun.

When an AK forms on a lip, the medical name for this precancerous growth is actinic cheilitis.

Many people who develop AKs and actinic cheilitis are otherwise healthy. They don’t feel ill or rundown.

Still, it’s important to know if you have any of these precancerous growths on your skin. Some AKs and actinic cheilitis turn into a type of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma.

Paying attention to your skin can help you find a precancerous growth. This is especially important if you’ve spent a lot of time outdoors without protecting your skin from the sun or used tanning beds.

It may be helpful to know that some AKs look harmless. They can look like a new age spot, pimple, or patch of irritated skin. On the lips, these precancerous growths can look like a badly chapped lip.

You’ll find pictures of the diverse ways that AKs can appear on your skin at, Actinic keratosis: Signs and symptoms.