
Zucchini have anti-inflammatory properties, thereby naturally treating ailments like rheumatoid arthritis, where swelling is immensely painful. The copper percentage in zucchini also helps in reducing the aching symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.


Papayas have been known to be effective against rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. One of the enzymes found in papayas, called chemopapain, has a significant effect on controlling rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Blue Vervain

The organic compounds present in blue vervain can numb certain areas and stop pain from registering in the nerves, thereby giving you pain relief. The anti-inflammatory properties of the herb are also the perfect complement to reducing swelling and inflammation, such as in cases of arthritis or inflammation.


Arthritis can occur throughout different parts of the body. The anti-inflammatory activity of squash can certainly extend to arthritis, according to studies. In research on squash, scientists have specifically linked its impact to reducing general anti-inflammation of the body that is associated with the cardiovascular system and type-2 diabetes.

Burro Banana

Various compounds inside of bananas are anti-inflammatory in nature, meaning that they can reduce swelling, inflammation, and irritation from arthritis. This condition is very common in people if they have poor or unhealthy diets. Therefore, adding a burro banana a day to your dietary regimen can keep you ache and pain-free for many years.

Tila Tea

For people who suffer from arthritis, tila tea can help eliminate those painful symptoms. Just as it reduces the inflammation in the respiratory tracts, it also helps to lower blood pressure and remove inflammation in the blood vessels, thereby preventing the small capillary back-ups that so commonly lead to the swollen tissue of arthritis sufferers.