Diseases and conditions

Glaucoma Dos and Don'ts

Prevention center

Glaucoma Dos and Don'ts: Tips and Prevention

What you should do for Glaucoma

Do regular eyes check up for glaucoma: man doing eye check up in clinic.

Conduct regular check-ups to help detect glaucoma in its early stages, before the optic nerve is damaged.

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Exercise regularly for glaucoma to improve blood flow to the eyes: woman doing sports on mat.

Engage in moderate exercise to enhance the flow of blood to the eyes. This helps maintain healthy eye pressure levels.

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Wear sunglasses to protect eyes for glaucoma: woman wearing sunglasses to protect eyes from UV radiation.

Wear sunglasses to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation as extensive exposure to UV light can damage the eyes.

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What you should avoid for Glaucoma

Limit caffeine intake for glaucoma: blue cup of coffee, full of coffee grains.

Drink less caffeine because high amounts of caffeine increase pressure inside the eye.

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Avoid taking steroids for glaucoma: man injecting steroids in his arm.

Taking steroids for long periods of time to treat certain medical conditions might increase your eye pressure, particularly if you already have glaucoma.

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