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COVID-19 Prevention

Prevention center

COVID-19 Dos and Don'ts: Tips and Prevention

What you should do for COVID-19

Stay home for COVID; woman sitting home on a couch drinking tea.

Once you contract COVID-19, you should stay home and avoid getting in contact with anyone.

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Drink soup for COVID: bowl of soup.

Drinking soup is a good idea because it helps nourish the body. It is also easy to make and easy to digest.

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Monitor your symptoms for COVID: woman checking her temperature and keeping track of COVID symptoms.

Monitor your symptoms carefully to see if you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19. You should immediately contact your doctor if the symptoms worsen.

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Sleep well for COVID; woman falling in deep sleep under bedsheets.

Make sure you get enough sleep when you are sick in order to rest and reduce the symptoms of COVID-19.

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Taking vitamins and supplements helps strengthen the immune system.

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Stay hydrated for COVID: woman drinking water home.

Drink at least 64 to 70 ounces of water every day. Staying hydrated can reduce the symptoms of the virus and replace the electrolytes lost through fever-induced sweating.

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What you should avoid for COVID-19

Avoid stress for COVID: stressed man thinking with his fingers on the temples of his head.

Stress can suppress immune system activity, and this can put you at a higher risk of being infected with the virus.

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Do not take antibiotics for COVID: bottle of antibiotic pills.

COVID-19 is a disease caused by a virus, not a bacterium. People shouldn’t take antibiotics because they do not work against viruses, they only fight bacteria.

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COVID-19 Prevention

Avoid crowds

Avoid being in gatherings or among crowd. People can spread COVID-19 even when they don’t show signs of being sick or infected with the virus.

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Avoid shaking hands

Avoid shacking hands with people. The coronavirus virus is easily transmitted by touch. Thus, shaking hands can put you at a higher risk of getting infected with the virus.

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Avoid touching your face

People often touch their faces subconsciously. Touching your face frequently can put you at a higher risk of contracting the virus because the germs on your hands can easily

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Exercise regularly

Regular exercise boosts your immune system and provides immunity against diseases and viruses.

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Practice social distancing

When someone coughs sneezes, or speaks they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain the virus in the air.  To avoid spreading the virus,

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Wash your hands

Disinfect your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water for 20 seconds to get rid of germs.

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Wear a mask

Wearing a mask prevents COVID-19 transmission and reduces the probability of infection. This is because the mask stops the virus droplets from spreading through the air if

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