Lower Back Pain Prevention http://apos.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/condition/things_you_should_not_do_profile/2021-07-24/Deadlift.jpg "description": " Lower Back Pain Prevention ", "url": "https://aposbook.com/condition-prevention-center-full/lower-back-pain/136/2/162?pagetype=prevention-directory&topic_type=", "headline": "", "thumbnail": [ "http://apos.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/condition/things_you_should_not_do_profile/2021-07-24/Deadlift.jpg" ]

What you should Avoid for Lower Back Pain


Avoid heavy weight for Lower Back Pain

Avoid lifting heavy weights, especially deadlift because improper execution could put too much stress on the lower back causing a painful sprain or strain.

Make sure you have the proper lifting techniques and always keep your back straight.