Lower Back Pain Prevention http://apos.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/condition/things_you_should_not_do_profile/2021-07-22/Stress_4.JPG "description": " Lower Back Pain Prevention ", "url": "https://aposbook.com/condition-prevention-center-full/lower-back-pain/136/2/159?pagetype=prevention-directory&topic_type=", "headline": "", "thumbnail": [ "http://apos.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/condition/things_you_should_not_do_profile/2021-07-22/Stress_4.JPG" ]

What you should Avoid for Lower Back Pain


Avoid stress for Lower Back Pain

Being stressed or anxious can trigger chemical and physical reactions in the body to protect it from any possible harm.

The body starts releasing cortisol and adrenaline that can trigger an involuntary tightening of the muscles, causing painful spasms mainly in the areas of the neck, shoulders, and lower part of the spine.

That's why it is very important to avoid stress and keep your mind at peace.

Try to always apply positive thinking and practice some breathing techniques to help reduce stress level.