Lower Back Pain Prevention http://apos.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/condition/recommendation_profile/2021-07-22/Sleep.jpg "description": " Lower Back Pain Prevention ", "url": "https://aposbook.com/condition-prevention-center-full/lower-back-pain/136/1/210?pagetype=prevention-directory&topic_type=", "headline": "", "thumbnail": [ "http://apos.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/condition/recommendation_profile/2021-07-22/Sleep.jpg" ]

What you should do for Lower Back Pain


Get enough sleep for Lower Back Pain

Poor sleep due to sleep disturbances can make pain worse in general and the body tolerance to pain much less.

That's why it's very important to get enough sleep to reduce lower back pain intensity.