Natural Compounds

Glutathione For COVID-19 / Corona Virus

Science Center

What science says about Glutathione For COVID-19 / Corona Virus

Glutathione is generally recommended to support the treatment of COVID-19 to reduce the severity of symptoms. However, health experts still require more research in order to ensure the needed dosage of glutathione.

Accordingly, experts suggest taking glutathione supplementation alongside COVID-19 treatment as it aids in the reduction of oxidative stress and inflammation. This helps protect the immune cells from damage and allows them to function properly. Accordingly, the immune system will have better control of corona virus’s symptoms.

The combination of glycine and N-acetylcysteine (GlyNAC), precursors of glutathione, is usually recommended as it helps attenuate COVID-19 symptoms by correcting glutathione deficiency and decreasing oxidant damage.

Giulia Criscuolo, Pharmacist, recommends glutathione intake either from foods or supplements in order to avoid glutathione deficiency and improve COVID-19 symptoms.

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