Natural Compounds

Glutathione For Celiac Disease / Celiac Sprue

Science Center

What science says about Glutathione For Celiac Disease / Celiac Sprue

Most health experts believe that the only treatment for celiac disease is a permanent gluten-free diet. However, it has been found that glutathione supplementation alongside gluten-free diet can be extremely beneficial to treat celiac disease and reduce its symptoms.

Consequently, health experts recommend glutathione because it helps improve celiac patients’ immune function and inflammatory response to gluten.

It does so by binding to toxins and flushing them out of the body in order to nullify their function. This helps with reducing intestinal inflammation and avoiding damage to the small and large intestine. 

Nevertheless, some health experts still require more evidence in order to learn further about glutathione’s mechanism in treating celiac disease and the adequate dosage needed.

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