Herbal Medicine

Coconut Oil For Hair Care

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Coconut Oil For Hair Care

Possible causes of Hair Damage associated with Coconut

Healthy hair should be shiny, smooth, strong, and tangle-free. But over time, our hair can become damaged and lose many important nutrients that help keep the hair healthy. It can also become too dry or too greasy.

This can be due to three reasons: poor diet, poor lifestyle choices, and improper hair care.

For instance, our hair may become damaged and dry if we use straighteners and blow dryers too often. Excess heat strips the hair of moisture. This makes the hair more susceptible to split ends and breaking, preventing it from growing.

Furthermore, our hair might become too oily or greasy if we use too much shampoo in our hair, resulting in a dull and lifeless look.

While the scalp naturally produces oil called sebum, however people with naturally oily hair might produce excess sebum. This causes the hair to look and feel greasy.

Learn everything about hair damage and find all the natural solutions to improve hair health naturally, including various diet programs, alternative medicine, vitamins, supplements, herbal medicine, and home remedies.

Why Coconut Oil helps Improve Hair Health

Coconut oil’s unique composition of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and medium-chain fatty acids helps maintain hair health.

This is because coconut oil contains lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) that can easily penetrate the hair and restore moisture to it. Restoring moisture also helps protect hair from damage that may be caused by heat.

Lauric acid also has antibacterial properties, so it helps protect and strengthen the hair. Lauric acid keeps the scalp moisturized and prevents it from producing too much sebum or oil. This reduces the likelihood of greasy hair.

In addition, vitamin E and iron in coconut oil nourish the hair, help it maintain its shine, and prevent it from breaking or having split ends.

The antioxidant and antifungal properties of coconut oil can also cleanse the hair and rid it of dandruff, a condition that causes an itchy and flaky scalp. Dandruff also damages the scalp’s moisture barrier, which causes hair loss.

How Coconut works for Hair Health

Coconut oil can help maintain hair health by doing the following actions:

- Nourishing hair: the vitamins in coconut oil such as vitamin E and vitamin K, minerals such as iron, and antioxidants present in coconut oil nourish the scalp to keep hair healthy.

Coconut oil also helps nourish dry or damaged hair. The medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) in the coconut oil quickly penetrate the hair and restore moisture, preventing the hair from drying out.

- Protecting hair: hair is completely made up of protein, so the loss of protein content results in unhealthy and weak hair. Coconut oil helps preserve the hair’s protein content.

The lauric acid in coconut oil that helps bind the protein in the hair. This protects the hair’s strands and prevents breakage. Lauric acid also has anti-bacterial and antifungal properties that help fight bacteria and fungus that can damage the hair or prevent it from growing properly. It also helps get rid of dandruff.

The MCFAs in coconut oil also help protect hair against heat damage. A study titled “Effect of mineral oil, sunflower oil, and coconut oil on prevention of hair damage” compared the effect of different oils on hair protein loss. The research found that coconut oil was more effective in preventing protein loss in the hair compared to mineral and sunflower oil.

- Preventing grease: the overproduction of sebum oil that is secreted from the sebaceous glands found in the scalp can cause hair to become greasy and oily very easily, giving it a lifeless look.

Coconut oil helps prevent greasy hair because the medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), vitamins, and minerals it contains will remove the buildup of sebum oil. The removal of sebaceous oils adds volume to the hair, giving it a healthier look.

- Strengthening hair: coconut oil is a good supplement to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. The MCFAs in coconut oil help it penetrate hair easily and restore its lost moisture, which prevents split ends, breaking, and hair loss.

How to use Coconut Oil for Hair

Coconut oil is most commonly applied as a hair mask.

To get the most out of coconut oil,  use 1 to 2 teaspoons of it, 3 or 4 times per week on your hair.

Coconut oil should be spread evenly through the hair and left in for 10-30 minutes before washing it out.

Note: Although coconut oil is beneficial for the hair, it may clog pores or cause irritation for some skin types if it is applied directly on the scalp. If you feel that coconut oil is irritating your scalp, apply it to your hair only.

Using Coconut Oil for Hair Care: precautions

Although coconut oil is beneficial for the hair, it may clog pores or cause irritation for some skin types if it is applied directly on the scalp. If you feel that coconut oil is irritating your scalp, apply it to your hair only.

When applying coconut products on the skin, hair, or body, you must keep in mind the following precautions:

- Test the oil on a small patch of skin: always use small amounts of coconut oil on the skin at first to see how it responds to it.

- Coconut oil may not be suitable for everyone: some people may experience adverse effects if they apply coconut products to their skin, especially if they have oily or sensitive skin.

- Allergies: some people are allergic to coconut oil. If you believe you are allergic to coconut, check with a healthcare professional to arrange a test and avoid all coconut products and foods to prevent an allergic reaction.

Using Coconut Oil for Hair Care: side effects

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