Alternative Medicine

Ayurveda For Detox

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Ayurveda For Detox

Possible causes of Body Toxicity that might be reduced by Ayurveda

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Why Ayurveda helps Detoxify the Body

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How Ayurveda works for Body Detox

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Ayurveda to Detoxify the Body: Treatment Protocol

Ayurvedic detoxification treatment is specifically tailored to each individual’s case and looks at the dominant dosha in their constitution as well as their symptoms.

However, Ayurvedic detoxification treatments generally involve the following aspects:


A- Purvakarma treatments:

Purvakarma is Sanskrit for “foremost action.” It comprises herbal and oil treatments that loosen the accumulated toxins in the body. Ayurvedic medicine believes these toxins slow down the body and weaken the tissues.

Accordingly, purvakarma practices direct the toxins to specific waste and elimination centers in the body. They help prepare people for Panchakarma (detoxification therapies).

Purvakarma consist of three treatments:

1- Pachana (digestion therapy): a practice where herbal treatments are administered to the patient. These herbal formulations help the body digest and eliminate toxins to cleanse the body.

2- Snehana (oleation therapy): a practice where oils, ghee (purified butter), or oils mixed with herbs are applied to the body internally or externally. It loosens the accumulated toxins in the body and leads them to particular waste centers, where they are later expelled via panchakarma therapies.

3- Swedana (sudation therapy): a practice that involves a thermal treatment to help release toxins through the skin. It typically occurs after oleation therapy as the oils help the body absorb the steam. It can target the whole body (bashpa swedana) or a specific part of the body (nadi swedana).

During swedana, the patient sits in a wooden box or room filled with herbal steam to help the patient eliminate the toxins in his or her body by sweating. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend having a warm shower after swedana therapy.

Swedana helps nourish weakened tissues by increasing circulation throughout the body. It also helps restore balance to the weakened kapha and vata doshas in the body.


B- Panchakarma treatments:

Panchakarma, which is Sanskrit for “five treatments,” is a five-step detox program in Ayurveda. These treatments help detoxify the body and restore balance to the vata, pitta, and kapha doshas.

Depending on a person’s constitution, an Ayurvedic practitioner would recommend one or more of the five Panchakarma treatments to detoxify the body:

1- Vamana (medicated emesis): a practice where patients undergo forced vomiting to eliminate toxins and remove the body’s excess kapha dosha, which blocks various microchannels throughout the body. Vamana helps clear excess kapha in the body, preventing the formation of toxins.

2- Virechana (medicated purgation): a practice where patients are given herbal treatments to induce diarrhea. Virechana helps clear out toxins in the gut and restore balance to a weakened vata dosha.

3- Vasti/Basti (medicated enema): vasti is a practice where patients are given oils or liquids that help cleanse the colon. Basti is a practice where patients are given an herbal enema to cleanse the colon. Both oil and herbal enemas help increase and nourish any affected tissues in the body and restore balance to the vata dosha.

4- Nasya (nasal medication): a practice where oils are administered through the nose. It helps restore balance to the vata dosha and clear the mind of mental toxins.

5- Raktamokshan (bloodletting): a practice that involves withdrawing blood from the body via puncture wounds or incisions to restore balance to the pitta dosha. Raktamokshan removes accumulated toxins in the blood that might cause illness and fatigue.

C- Additional Detoxification treatments:

Ayurveda practitioners may recommend additional treatments to detoxify the body. These treatments also relieve stress, a factor that causes toxins to build up in the body. These treatments include:

1- Shirodhara therapy (external oleation): a practice where patients have a liquid (oil, milk, or water) poured onto their forehead. It also involves a head, body, or scalp massage. This practice soothes the mind and body and decreases stress, preventing the accumulation of toxins in the body.

2- Sirovasthi therapy: a practice where a patient had a warm oil or mixture of oil and herbs poured onto his or her head. A bandage is tied on the patient’s head and the oil is poured into an open-headed cap. The oil is allowed to soak the patient’s head for at least 30 minutes. This practice calms the nervous system and prevents the buildup of toxins in the mind.

3- Abhyanga (massage therapy): a practice where oils, ghee, or oils infused with herbs are massaged vigorously into the body to loosen the toxins that build up in the body via the skin. Abhyanga also helps nourish the tissues, restores balance to imbalanced doshas, and relieves stress. It is also part of dinacharya (daily routine).

4- Udvartana (powder massage therapy): a practice where herbal powders or oils infused with herbs are vigorously massaged into the body. It is different from abhyanga because the herbs are massaged into the body in the opposite direction of hair growth. The massage lasts for 30-45 minutes.

Udvartana helps restore balance to the imbalanced kapha and vata doshas. It also boosts blood and lymph circulation throughout the body, which energizes the body.

5- Netra Dhara/Netra Vasti:(eye bath): a practice that involves bathing the eyes in ghee, water, or oils to restore eye health.
The patient usually lies on his or her back while the Ayurvedic practitioner forms and places two dough reservoirs that keeps the oils or ghee over the eyes. The practitioner then pours the oil/ghee into the dough reservoirs and keeps the oils/ghee in place over the eyes for about 20 minutes. Nedra vasti also includes a facial massage. It helps release stress.


D- Rasayana (Rejuvenation treatments):

In Ayurveda, rasayana, which is Sanskrit for “path of essence,” consists of practices that help rejuvenate and nourish the mind and body.

Rasayana practices include consuming herbal treatments or decoctions and maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. It also incorporates exercise, yoga, and a regular self-care routine (dinacharya) to maintain balance in all aspects of life. 

The rasayana practices that help detoxify the body are explained in more detail below:


1- Dietary Modifications:

The Ayurvedic diet aims to balance all three life energies or doshas in the mind and body. Patients should maintain a diet that detoxifies the body and restores balance to the imbalanced doshas.

In Ayurveda, all foods possess certain gunas (qualities). The gunas in the foods are transferred into energies that influence the balance of the doshas in the body. Ayurvedic practitioners advise people to eat healthy foods with light gunas (qualities) that stimulate agni (digestive fire) to detoxify the body.

Practitioners instruct people to eat slowly and chew their food properly to aid digestion and prevent the buildup of toxins. They also encourage patients to practice mindfulness while eating to develop a healthy relationship with food.

Generally, there are three dietary phases to an Ayurvedic detox:

1. The preparatory phase: during this time, people should slowly start to eliminate foods that are toxic and hard to digest from their diet like sugar and all dairy products except for ghee. They incorporate healthy foods into their diet.

2. The cleansing phase: during this time, people should eliminate even more fatty foods from their diet and drink ghee or purified butter. Some people may incorporate a “mono-diet” of kitchari, a combination of mung beans, rice, and spices such as cumin. This diet is simple and helps eliminate toxins quickly.

3. The reintroduction phase: during this time, people should slowly start to introduce more fruits and vegetables and other easy-to-digest foods that improve digestion and prevent the buildup of toxins in the body.

An Ayurvedic diet also prescribes eating specific foods as part of Purvakarma (preparatory treatments) before Panchakarma (detoxification therapies). It helps loosen and eventually eliminate the toxins that accumulated in the body.

Patients should maintain an Ayurvedic detox diet for either 3, 15, or 21 days depending on how long they want to detox.

Some practitioners believe that people should undergo an Ayurvedic cleanse twice a year, in spring and fall. Other practitioners believe that people should cleanse their bodies four times per year. Cleansing at the start of every season helps eliminate the toxins that build up during that time, especially due to changes in weather.


2- Herbal Treatments:

Ayurveda prescribes herbs or herbal treatments to help cleanse the body. The treatments are specifically tailored to the person’s constitution. Practitioners prescribe different herbs depending on the person’s constitution.

Some of these herbs include:

- Haldi (Turmeric): an herb that contains the anti-inflammatory chemical curcumin, which helps relieve inflammation and improves digestion. It boosts liver function and helps it eliminate toxins.

- Nimb (Neem): an antibacterial herb that strengthens metabolism and improves agni (digestive fire), which prevents the accumulation of toxins in the body.

- Ginger (Ardraka): an herb that detoxifies the body because it stimulates agni (digestive fire), which prevents the buildup of toxins in the body.

- Amla (Indian gooseberry): a fruit with antioxidant properties. It helps the liver flush toxins out of the body.

- Triphala: an herbal treatment consisting of three different fruits, amalaki, bibhitaki, and haritaki. They help cleanse the gut and eliminate toxins from the body.

- Guggul (Commiphora mukul): an herbal extract that has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps the liver flush toxins out of the body.

- Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): an herb that has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps the body get rid of mental toxins that cloud the mind.

- Jira (Cumin): an herb that helps stimulate pitta and detoxifies the liver to help the body eliminate toxins.


3- Dinacharya (Routine):

Dinacharya or establishing a routine is one aspect of rasayana that helps detoxify the body and the mind.

It includes:

1- Adjusting dietary habits: Patients should eat foods at regular times. They should also eat healthy foods that help restore balance to the imbalanced doshas. Eating healthy and regular meals also strengthens agni (digestive fire), which prevents the buildup of toxins in the body.

2- Regulating sleeping habits: Patients need to adjust their sleeping habits and begin sleeping at regular times every night. Any lack of sleep might disrupt the doshas’ balance and cause toxins to accumulate in the body.

3- Exercising regularly: Patients should engage in physical activity every day to stabilize all the doshas and strengthen agni (digestive fire), preventing the buildup of toxins.

4- Practicing yoga: Patients should practice at least 10 minutes of yoga every day to relieve stress and restore balance to the imbalanced doshas. Yoga helps remove mental toxins that cloud the mind.

5- Practicing breathing techniques: Patients should practice breathing techniques or pranayama every day. Pranayama helps decrease stress levels and boosts circulation throughout the body, energizing it. It also removes mental toxins from the mind.

6- Massaging yourself: Give yourself an oil massage every day to help excess vata (the energy of movement) move throughout the body to detoxify it. Daily massages also help relax the body.

7- Fasting: Fasting for one or two days strengthen agni (digestive fire) and helps people eliminate toxins from their bodies.

Ayurveda for Detox: recommendations

- Eat at regular times: Skipping meals makes it harder to establish a routine to eat well. Eating at regular times improves digestion and prevents toxins from accumulating in the body, which leads to weight loss.

- Exercise regularly: Engage in physical activity for 30 minutes every day to restore balance to all the doshas. Exercise also improves agni (digestive fire), which helps the body get rid of toxins more easily.

- Sleep well: Maintain a regular sleep schedule and get at least 7 hours of sleep. Sleeping well regulates digestion which helps the body eliminate toxins.

- Try fasting: Try fasting to help strengthen agni (digestive fire) to help the body eliminate toxins.

- Practice yoga and pranayama: Practice at least 10 minutes of yoga and pranayama (breathing techniques) every day to relieve stress. Stress reduction prevents overeating or emotional eating. Yoga helps increase mindfulness around one’s body and can help people implement healthy lifestyle changes. Pranayama techniques also stimulate metabolism and detoxify the body.

- Meditate daily: Practice meditation for at least 20 minutes every day. Meditation helps relieve stress and increases emotional well-being. Mindfulness makes people more aware of their bodies. It helps them make healthier choices about the food they eat and the lifestyle they live.

- Practice mindfulness around food: Pause and feel gratitude or say a prayer before eating your meal. Try to eat in silence and minimize the distractions around you. Eat slowly. Focus on the texture and taste of the food and chew it slowly. Try to sit still after eating and visualize the food nourishing your body.

- Drink lots of water and herbal teas: Drink at least 6-8 glasses of warm water every day to help the body eliminate toxins.


Foods to eat:

According to Ayurveda, all foods possess certain gunas (qualities). The gunas in the foods are transferred into energies that influence the balance of the doshas in the body.

People who want to detoxify their bodies and minds should eat foods that have the right balance of sweet, salty, sour, pungent, bitter, and astringent gunas (qualities). In the right amounts, these qualities restore balance to the imbalanced doshas and strengthen agni (digestive fire). They prevent the buildup of toxins in the body.

These foods include:

• Fresh fruits: apples, oranges, lemons, pears, papayas, strawberries, cherries, plums, blueberries, raspberries, kiwis, pomegranates, and gooseberries

• Fresh vegetables: spinach, kale, pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, tomatoes, eggplants, garlic, onions, bitter gourds, radishes, and beetroot

• Dairy products: ghee

• Legumes: mung beans

• Grains: rice, quinoa, millet, and barley

• Spices: cinnamon, cumin, ginger, fennel, turmeric, and coriander

• Seeds: Flax and sesame seeds


Herbs to use:

According to Ayurveda, people who want to detox their bodies should consume herbs that cleanse the gut and stimulate digestion (agni).

They include:

- Haldi (Turmeric): an herb that contains the anti-inflammatory chemical curcumin, which helps relieve inflammation and improves digestion. It boosts liver function and helps it eliminate toxins.

- Nimb (Neem): an antibacterial herb that strengthens metabolism and improves agni (digestive fire), which prevents the accumulation of toxins in the body.

- Ginger (Ardraka): an herb that detoxifies the body because it stimulates agni (digestive fire), which prevents the buildup of toxins in the body.

- Amla (Indian gooseberry): a fruit with antioxidant properties. It helps the liver flush toxins out of the body.

- Triphala: an herbal treatment consisting of three different fruits, amalaki, bibhitaki, and haritaki. They help cleanse the gut and eliminate toxins from the body.

- Guggul (Commiphora mukul): an herbal extract that has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps the liver flush toxins out of the body.

- Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): an herb that has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps the body get rid of mental toxins that cloud the mind.

- Jira (Cumin): an herb that helps stimulate pitta and detoxifies the liver to help the body eliminate toxins.

Ayurveda for Detox: What you should Avoid

- Avoid skipping meals: Skipping meals makes it harder to establish a routine. Skipping meals also affects digestion and causes toxins to accumulate in the body.

- Avoid drinking coffee and tea: these drinks may contain a lot of sugar and caffeine. Sugar and caffeine disrupt the balance of the pitta dosha and affect digestion. They cause toxins to build up in the body.

- Avoid or limit alcohol consumption: alcoholic drinks are high in calories and may cause weight gain. Alcohol consumption also disrupts the balance of all the doshas in the body. It aggravates the pitta dosha and slows down digestion, which may cause toxins to accumulate in the body.

- Avoid soft drinks: soft drinks contain a lot of sugar and are high in calories. They also aggravate the pitta dosha, which can cause toxins to accumulate in the body.

- Avoid eating dairy with fruits, fish, or meat: combining dairy with fruits, dairy with fish, or dairy with meat impairs digestion. Eating a combination of these foods causes the accumulation of toxins in the body.

- Stop smoking: smoking aggravates the doshas and causes the accumulation of toxins in the body.


Foods to avoid:

According to Ayurveda, all foods possess certain gunas (qualities). The gunas in the foods are transferred into energies that influence the balance of the doshas in the body.

People who want to detoxify their bodies and minds should avoid the following foods that have toxic gunas (qualities) because they increase the production of ama (toxins) in the body.

These foods include:

• Grains: refined grains

• Dairy products

• Salty foods

• Sugary foods

• Spicy foods

• Fermented foods

• Canned foods

• Processed foods

Ayurvedic Medicine for Detox: precautions

Ayurveda uses natural and herbal remedies to treat diseases. However, if you want to use Ayurvedic medicines, herbs, supplements to treat a particular condition, you should consider the following precautions:

- Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner before taking Ayurvedic products or starting an Ayurvedic detox program on your own.

- Let your Ayurvedic specialist know if you have diabetes or are taking medication that may affect your treatment plan. They should adjust it to avoid any harmful interactions with the medication you are taking.

- Some Ayurvedic products and practices are banned in the United States. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve or review Ayurvedic products. Some herbal compounds or preparations may contain lead, mercury, or arsenic in toxic amounts.

They can cause serious illnesses in children and may be life-threatening for pregnant or lactating women and their babies. Other compounds from untrustworthy manufacturers may contain steroids, which may cause further health issues.

- Some Purvakarma or Panchakarma or other detox treatments aren’t suitable for all patients. Eligibility for panchakarma and other detox treatments is determined by an Ayurvedic practitioner.

People who are classified as having “weak” or lean and thin bodies aren’t eligible for some panchakarma treatments. People who are anemic and pregnant women also aren’t allowed to undergo panchakarma treatments.

Ayurvedic detox treatments aren’t suitable for children and women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or menstruating.



- Make sure to disclose to your primary care physician that you are seeing an Ayurvedic practitioner and are taking Ayurvedic formulations. This ensures you stay safe and avoid medication interactions that might cause serious side effects.

- If you are taking medication for diabetes, don’t stop taking them if you begin Ayurvedic treatment unless your doctor approves it.

- Some Ayurvedic practitioners may not be qualified to treat you. Make sure that your Ayurvedic practitioner is well-trained, certified, and has the relevant experience to meet your needs.

- Be careful when buying Ayurvedic herbs or formulas. Don’t buy Ayurvedic products unless they have a GMP (Good Manufacturing Product) stamp on them if you are buying them from India. Be extra careful when purchasing herbs online because online stores may be selling counterfeit products.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Detox: side effects

Since Ayurvedic treatments are derived from natural herbs and plants, most treatments do not cause adverse events. However, if you take some Ayurvedic preparations or herbs, you may experience the following side effects.

- Some Ayurvedic products contain toxic amounts of heavy metals like lead, arsenic, or mercury, and they might cause heavy metal poisoning.

- Some Ayurvedic herbal formulations might cause headaches, nausea, gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea, rashes, or allergic reactions.

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