Home Remedies Depression

Brahmi or Ashwagandha and Water

Brahmi and Ashwagandha are two common Ayurvedic herbs that can treat depression because they both calm the nervous system and help the body adapt to stress, which stabilizes mood.

When either of these herbs are mixed into a glass of water, they can relieve depression symptoms and induce relaxation.


- Two tablespoons of Brahmi or Ashwagandha powder

- One glass of water 

How to make it:

Take two tablespoons of Brahmi or Ashwagandha powder and add either one to one glass of water. Mix it well.


Drink 2 times a day regularly to calm your nerves and improve your mood.

Note: Always consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before taking these remedies to see if they are in line with your Ayurvedic treatment program.