
Natural solutions for Low Testosterone

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List of solutions by type

Solutions - Ongoing Research

Plants and herbs

Ashwagandha / Withania

No review yet

Solutions - Controversial (Disputed)

Plants and herbs

Tribulus Terrestris / G

No review yet

What you should Do


Do resistance training

Resistance training is the best training option to follow if you want to boost testosterone. It is much better

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Eat 2 times a day only

It is only normal to get an insulin spike every time you eat, especially if you consumed

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Eat cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are vegetables of the family Brassica (cabbage). They are called

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What you should Avoid


Avoid bread and pastries

Avoid eating too much bread and pastries as these have been linked to low testosterone

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Avoid soy

Avoid consuming lot of soy products because it has been associated with low testosterone levels. This

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Avoid dairy products

Consuming high levels of dairy products is associated with a low testosterone

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