January 2021

What is the Vagus Nerve? What power does it have that you can tap into and what benefits does it give? Can it help with recalibrating the Metabolism, Weight Loss and Diabetes? Watch this video to discover key information and practical tips on how to recalibrate metabolism and blood glucose control by tapping into the power of the Vagus Nerve. Discover the seven steps to stimulating the Vagus Nerve.

Check out our TRANSFORMED  programme that provides a holistic after surgery support to all our clients


Connect with Dr Dhir: https://drarundhir.com/
Weight Loss Surgery: https://centreforweightloss.com.au/

Live Streams on Facebook: https://bit.ly/31mBcsv

Dr Arun Dhir is a Specialist Upper Gastro-Intestinal and Bariatric Surgeon working in the public sector, besides having a busy private practice in the North Eastern suburbs of Melbourne.

Dr Arun has been a strong advocate for a shift in our approach to managing obesity, the principles of which are shared in his writings. 

He explains how the hormonal changes that stress creates cause us to gain weight and become more prone to chronic diseases.  Dr Arun Dhir writes and posts regularly on topics related to gut health, obesity, gastrointestinal surgery, gut microbiome and healing.

He is an active member of the ANZ Association of Gastro-Oesophageal surgeons (ANZGOSA), ANZ Society of Metabolic and Obesity Surgery (OSSANZ) and Australian College of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM). He is also a Yoga and meditation teacher and along this journey, has nurtured a very keen interest in the area of mind, body and gut connection, which he incorporates in his practice.

Please note this is general information only. Consult your specialist for specific advise.

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