30 NOV, 2020

Importance of hair and skin care

Beauty and health are interrelated. Looking beautiful means having skin that is attractive. If skin needs to be attractive, then it needs to be healthy and well-nourished. The same is applicable to hair. Beauty has been associated with long and healthy hair. Healthy skin and hair are a reflection of a healthy body.  The secret to being beautiful is skin and hair health.

Cosmetic products are commonly used by most people to take care of their skin and hair health. But as people are becoming more and more aware of the harmful effects of chemicals everyday, people have started looking for natural and chemical-free remedies. Herein, comes the role of Ayurveda.

The ancient Indian wellness system recommends the use of herbal supplements, oils, and creams to enhance skin and hair health. These herbs are found in nature and have been used for centuries. They are time tested and the lack of chemicals in them makes them safe. There is no doubt that if you are looking for a gentle and natural way to improve your skin and hair health, then the Ayurvedic approach can be helpful. It is the best way to take care of your hair and skin.

Ayurveda and hair – how to take care of your hair?

Ayurveda suggests the use of hair oils to nourish the hair. It also recommends herbs to remove toxins and correct imbalances in the body.

Doshas and Hair Types

Ayurveda uses the concept of Doshas or principal energies to explain wellness and good health. The three Doshas – Kapha, Vata, and Pitta are present in our body. When one or more Doshas are in excess, they have an impact on health. Hair health also is related to the Dosha that is prevalent. Based on this concept, Ayurveda classified hair based on the different hair types. These are: 

1. Vata hair: Vata is dry and cool. The dryness of Vata can strip the scalp of moisture. This makes the hair dry and rough in nature. The hair is usually thin because of the weakness at the scalp level. Vata hair is more porous. As a result, it absorbs chemicals and other harmful substances, making it susceptible to damage. The lack of moisture can increase dandruff. The hair is likely to be wavy. When imbalanced, this hair becomes difficult to manage. It can fall out in clumps and become brittle. This type of skin requires nourishment by moisturizing it.

2. Pitta hair: Pitta hair type is smooth and silky in nature. Pitta governs metabolism and since good metabolism nourishes the hair. If Pitta is impaired, it can make the hair thin and lead to premature greying or baldness. This hair type is medium in texture. It has balanced porosity and hence is less prone to damage. The nature of Pitta makes the scalp oily and can cause boils or dandruff. This hair type is straight. Cooling herbs and using products that are anti-inflammatory can help manage this hair effectively.

3. Kapha hair: Kapha type of hair is lustrous since Kapha ensures balance in sebum in the scalp. It is also thick in texture. Kapha, when vitiated, causes heaviness of the hair. The excess oil can cause acne, blackheads, and other problems that occur due to clogged pores in the skin.  This type of hair is less porous. It takes more time to dry. Moisture levels are adequate when Kapha is balanced. This type of hair tends to be curly in nature. Cleansing the hair is essential to remove excess oil. It also needs detoxification. Cleaning clogged pores and regulating sebum production can help to manage this type of hair better. 

The type of hair determines the hair care regimen to follow. By correcting the imbalance in the Dosha, it is possible to ensure healthy hair. Problems related to the hair can be effectively managed by ensuring balance.

Key Ayurvedic ingredients used for hair care

The secret to healthy hair is contained in the ancient Ayurvedic texts. Sages who lived thousands of years ago studied the effect of herbs on health. Their knowledge lives on today through the various herbal products that nourish hair. These products are made from the ingredients referenced in the ancient texts. Some of the popular Ayurvedic ingredients that help in ensuring effective hair care are: 

1. Bhringaraj (Eclipta alba) is known as the king of hair for its hair nourishing properties. It ensures effective hair growth, enhances the luster of hair, and also helps in calming the mind which can help solve many hair yu) is one of the most beneficial herbs for health. It is rich in antioxidants and helps to rejuvenate hair. It can be very helpful in stopping hair loss. It fights dandruff and other conditions that hamper hair growth.

2. Coconut oil is extremely helpful in ensuring hair growth. It is used as the base oil for many herbal oils and helps to improve hair health.

3. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) is a natural herb that promotes hair growth. It nourishes the scalp and strengthens blood vessels, thereby helping in hair growth. It is helpful in managing hair loss. It helps in reducing stress and can thus help manage many hair problems.

4. Triphala, which is a mixture of three herbs that include Amla can detoxify and rejuvenate the body. This helps in ensuring that the tissues in the hair are nourished.