Just as the right diet and medications are key to living well with Parkinson’s disease (PD), maintaining emotional health is essential to your physical health. A person diagnosed with Parkinson’s often feels a flood of emotions, as do their loved ones.

Accepting and successfully navigating those feelings, whether anger, sadness, grief or even denial, is important. Stress can make PD symptoms worse. By focusing on your strengths, nurturing caring relationships, sharing your concerns, embracing healthy behaviors and your spirituality, you can better cope with the potential challenges of PD.

Working Through Feelings

PD symptoms and treatments can affect your mood. Depression and anxiety affect up to 50 percent of people living with PD. These mood changes can bring on worsening function, leading to a decreased quality of life. Tending to your emotional health keeps this cycle at bay. Tell your doctor, who can recommend the right medical treatments. But also consider counseling, for you, and your loved ones if necessary, and a local or online PD support group.

Counseling sessions — alone, as a couple, family or in a group — can provide support, understanding and education. A PD support group can offer a venue to share your experience with those on a similar journey. This can lift stress, foster new friendships and prevent isolation.

Embracing Hope

Taking a deep look at the positive aspects of your life and nurturing them so that they grow, can change your emotional outlook. Embracing these positives — family, friends or a new or favorite hobby — can offer respite when things are difficult.

Trust yourself to handle any challenges that a PD diagnosis may bring. Reflecting on past trials you may have weathered can give you confidence in your capability to withstand any future tests.