October 2017

In 1979 the Department of Apitherapy was set up in L'viv, Ukraine. Since then thousands of patients have been cured of the following diseases: coronary heart, disease, angina, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, hypertension, cerebral poplexy,  osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuralgia, polyarthritis, Graves' disease, bronchitis, diabetes, glaucoma, neuritis and others.

As it is described in numerous works, bee venom is 100 times stronger than hormonal substances, 100 times stronger than morphine, 200-300 times stronger than aspirin in terms of blood thinning, it reduces up to 5 times the negative impact of radiation on a human body, strengthens nerve fibre conductivity.

Bee venom contains a large complex of biological substances influencing all sorts of metabolism: carbon, protein, fat, aqueous-saline, hormonal, etc. When entering the body, bee venom causes a cascade chain of biochemical reactions. There are no obstacles to that. It gets into the connective tissue and cell membrane, it destroys the modified blood cells and entirely recovers the immune system.