Joseph Pizzorno, ND, Editor in Chief


The idea that “being too acid” contributes to disease susceptibility, especially cancer, has been around for a long time in the natural/integrative medicine world.

This concept was easily discounted by conventional medicine as measuring blood pH on various types of diets showed no change.

Up until about 10 years ago, no research existed to counter this skepticism. However, since then, a growing body of research has documented not only that “acidosis” is a real phenomenon, but that it is now known to contribute to a wide range of diseases, such as metabolic syndrome, cancer, osteoporosis, kidney stones, and increased susceptibility to environmental toxins—and new research is adding to the list.

In this editorial, I will review the biochemistry the various food components, soft drinks, prescription drugs, and metabolic dysfunctions affect the acid/base balance of cells. In addition, I will address how to determine body acid load and strategies using natural health products and diet to restore normal cellular function and reverse several diseases.


Acidosis Defined

We are talking here about acidosis as a process or a trend toward acidemia, not acidemia, which is an actual change in blood pH. Acidemia is defined as a blood pH of less than 7.35. This is very unlikely to occur, as the body has multiple mechanisms for ensuring a very stable blood pH. Acidosis only becomes acidemia when compensatory measures become overwhelmed. This typically only happens in “advanced disease” like kidney and lung failure. In many ways, we can consider acidosis as the constant pressure on the body’s physiology to compensate for all the acid-inducing challenges. Equally important, although the blood pH does not change, the pH in the cells and intracellular space becomes more acidic, causing disruption of enzyme function, loss of insulin sensitivity, and cellular metabolic adaptations.

There are 3 terms used in the research to measure acid load in the body. Although technically somewhat different from a research perspective, I will use them interchangeably here as clinically they are essentially the same1:

1- Net Endogenous Acid Production (NEAP)

a- NEAP represents the amount of net acid produced by the metabolic system every day; a combination of cellular metabolism and exogenous acid and base loads from the diet.

b- It can be calculated (and most often is) based on dietary constituents (estimated) or measured directly using diet/stool/urine samples.

2- Net Acid Excretion (NEA)

a- NEA, the net acid excretion by the kidneys, often very close in value to NEAP and usually considered equivalent.

b- Can be measured directly and includes urinary excretion of ammonium, titratable acids, and bicarbonate.

3- Potential Renal Acid Load (PRAL)

a- Calculated estimate of NEAP, based on protein and mineral intake of diet, but also dependent on body surface area.


Causes of Acidosis

The body is subjected to excess acid pressure primarily in 3 ways: diet/beverages, drugs, and disrupted metabolism.


Diet-induced Acidosis

When talking about diet-induced acidosis, please be clear we are not talking about the pH of the food or beverages consumed. Rather, this is about the acid/base changes induced by the food constituents.

The preagricultural diets we evolved on are estimated to be base-producing, with a mean NEAP of negative 88 mEq/d. In contrast, according to NHANES III, the average diet in the United States is acid-producing, with an NEAP of positive 48 mEq/d.2 This is the equivalent of 4.9 g HCl being added to our metabolism every day.

Although, as discussed below, the kidneys and lungs get rid of almost—but not all—of this excessive acidity, when these systems start to fail, calcium from bone is used instead as the buffer. The mineral content from 3 g of bone is needed to neutralize 1 g of acid.

As I will show below, this excessive acidity turns out to be a seriously underrecognized cause of osteoporosis. The obvious question, then, is: What constituents of diet cause acidity, versus those that increase alkalinity? The answer is surprising.

The primary sources of acidity in the diet are sulfur-containing amino acids, salt, and phosphoric acid in soft drinks (For a more complete discussion of the adverse effects of phosphates, see Lara Pizzorno’s article in IMCJ 13.6).

You will likely immediately scoff that salt is neutral in pH and is not metabolized to anything that is acid—and you would be right. Nonetheless, research has clearly shown that—happily reversibly—NaCl accounts for 50% of the net acidity of the average American diet. 

The mechanism is not definitively known, it is currently thought to be impairment of the kidney’s ability to excrete acid compounds. Figure 1 shows the sources of salt in the typical Western diet. If you look closely, you will see that wheat products are the primary source of salt—which may account for the common belief that wheat products are acid forming (wheat itself is only slightly acid forming).


Drug-induced Acidosis

Many commonly prescribed drugs induce acidity in the body through a variety of mechanisms.5 Most important are:


Impaired Renal H+ Excretion

NSAIDs; β-blockers; ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonists; K+-sparing diuretics, such as amiloride and triamterene; antibacterials, such as trimethoprim (commonly administered in combination with sulfamethoxazole as cotrimoxazole); and many more.


Lactic Acidosis
Biguanides, such as metformin; antiretrovirals; statins; and several others.


Metabolic-induced Acidosis

Several diseases disrupt metabolism in ways that cause excessive acidity (or is it the other way around or a vicious cycle). Most important are renal disease, diabetes, diarrhea, pancreatic drainage, biliary fistula, Sjogren’s syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, urinary tract obstruction, fever, aldosterone deficiency, and androgen deficiency.6 Interesting, acidosis causes insulin resistance and insulin resistance increases metabolic acidity—another vicious cycle.


Metabolic Adaptation to Excessive Acid Load

The primary ways the body deals with excessive acidity are through renal adaptations, respiration, and buffering with calcium from bone.


Renal Adaptation

The renal adaptations are extensive:

  • Increased urinary excretion of sulfate, phosphate, urate, and chloride;
  • Increased urinary excretion of calcium;
  • Decreased urinary excretion of citrate;
  • Increased urinary excretion of ammonium ions; and
  • Kidney vasodilatation and increased glomerular filtration rate.

Be clear that the kidneys mitigate but do not eliminate all the excess acidity. After considering all the unnecessary work put on the kidneys to deal with this excess acidity, it occurred to me that perhaps this is a key cause for the loss of kidney function seen with aging. As the kidneys lose function with aging, their ability to excrete acid becomes impaired, which may be another explanation for the loss of bone with aging.


Bone for Acid Buffering

The major reservoir of base is the skeleton (in the form of alkaline salts of calcium), which provides the buffer needed to maintain blood pH and plasma bicarbonate concentrations when renal and respiratory adaptations are inadequate. Acid-promoting diets are associated with increased urinary excretion of both calcium and bone matrix protein and decreased bone density.9 Neutralizing acid intake with diet or alkalinizing supplements decreases urine Ca and bone matrix protein excretion. Also, to a much smaller degree, skeletal muscle can act as a buffer. 


Clinical Effects of Acidosis

A considerable amount of research is now showing a strong, causal relationship between acidosis and several common diseases. The most important are osteoporosis and kidney stones, but growing research is adding cancer, muscle wasting, metabolic syndrome, impaired glutathione synthesis, and others.



Dietary acidosis increases bone loss, osteoporosis, and fractures. Both pre- and postmenopausal women and older men eating an acid-forming diet have lower density in the spine and hip bones.10 Making the extracellular environment of the bones more acidic results in activation of osteoclasts and inhibition of osteoblasts causing a net loss of calcium from the bone.11 Surprisingly, a tiny extracellular pH reduction of 0.1 is sufficient to cause a doubling of calcium resorption from the bone.


Kidney Stones

Recent research has now shown that dietary acid load is the best predictor of both calcium oxalate and, surprisingly, urate stones.12 The key here are 3 factors in the renal adaptation to the excessive acidity: increased secretion of calcium (making the urine over saturated), decreased secretion of citrate (which solublizes calcium oxalate in the urine), and increased excretion of uric acid (this oversaturates the urine which has little capacity to solubilize uric acid)—all of these lead to precipitation and kidney stones.



Although diet-induced acidosis may indeed increase risk of cancer, at this time there is no clinical research. Cell and animal studies have shown that lowering pH levels in the extracellular space promotes the invasive and metastatic potential of cancer cells.13 May be important, we just don’t know yet.