Herbal Medicine

Coconut For Eczema

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Coconut For Eczema

Possible triggers of Eczema Symptoms from the Coconut perspective

Eczema refers to a group of skin disorders that result in dry, red, and itchy skin. The most common type of eczema is atopic dermatitis where the skin is damaged and becomes inflamed, making it red and itchy.

Symptoms of eczema include dry and itchy skin, red to brown patches on the skin, small bumps on the skin, or thick cracked skin. A person’s skin might also become sensitive and swollen skin because of excessive scratching.

The exact causes of eczema are unknown, yet there are some symptoms that might be reduced by using coconut. These include:

- Inflammation: inflammation is a key characteristic of eczema that worsens the condition and causes the red, itchy and painful symptoms on the skin.

- Skin infections: bacteria can cause eczema to flare up. Hence, protecting the skin against bacteria is important.

- Skin irritation: one of the most irritating eczema symptoms is dry and itchy skin.

Learn everything about eczema and find all the natural solutions to treat it naturally, including various diet programs, alternative medicine, vitamins, supplements, herbal medicine, and home remedies.

Why Coconut Oil  helps Reduce Eczema

Coconut oil has a unique composition that contains high amounts of lauric acid. Lauric acid is a nutritious medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) that has many beneficial properties for the skin. Coconut oil can help reduce eczema and relieve its symptoms by:

- Reducing inflammation: coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat and control eczema symptoms.

- Moisturizing the skin: coconut oil is a very good natural moisturizer that can help soothe dry and itchy skin, which is one of the main symptoms of eczema.

- Killing bacteria: coconut oil has antimicrobial properties that help protect the skin from bacteria or other irritants. Hence, it can prevent eczema flare-ups that are triggered by the presence of bacteria, fungi, viruses, or other skin irritants.

In addition, coconut oil is a natural product that does not irritate the skin, especially compared to many prescription medications. That's why many people prefer to use it.

How Coconut Oil works for Eczema

Coconut oil works to treat eczema by working on the following:

- Inflammation: Coconut oil contains lauric acid, an MCFA that makes up more than 50% of its composition. Lauric acid has anti-inflammatory properties so it can help reduce inflammation, a key feature of eczema. Coconut oil also contains antioxidants that stabilize the free radicals in the body, neutralizing the reactive atoms that increase inflammation.

- Skin hydration: eczema decreases the skin’s ability to remain hydrated and worsens symptoms such as dryness. Coconut oil is made up of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) like lauric acid that can penetrate the skin quickly and reduce moisture loss from the skin’s pores. Coconut oil also contains vitamin E, which keeps the skin smooth.

- Anti-bacteria: the lauric acid in coconut oil also has antimicrobial properties. It helps kill the bacteria, fungi, and viruses that cause itchy acne and dry skin. Killing these bacteria reduces the risk of infection that may be caused by itching and protects other areas from infection.

How to use Coconut Oil for Eczema

You can use coconut oil during an eczema flare-up and between outbreaks.

Apply virgin coconut oil to the affected area at least twice per day, or more if necessary. Keep it away from the eyes.

The best time to apply coconut oil is after a bath or shower because the skin will be damp and absorb the coconut oil more quickly. Some people add a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil to their bath to help soothe their skin.

There is no set quantity of coconut oil that should be used to treat eczema or its symptoms.

Using Coconut Oil for Eczema: precautions

When applying coconut products on the skin, hair, or body, you must keep in mind the following precautions:

- Test the oil on a small patch of skin: always use small amounts of coconut oil on the skin at first to see how it responds to it.

- Coconut oil may not be suitable for everyone: some people may experience adverse effects if they apply coconut products to their skin, especially if they have oily or sensitive skin.

- Allergies: some people are allergic to coconut oil. If you believe you are allergic to coconut, check with a healthcare professional to arrange a test and avoid all coconut products and foods to prevent an allergic reaction.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new skin treatment.

Using Coconut Oil for Eczema: side effects

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