Herbal Medicine

CBD For Glaucoma

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CBD For Glaucoma

Possible causes of Glaucoma from the CBD Perspective

Glaucoma is a disease that damages the eye’s optic nerve which is vital for good vision. It is due to increased pressure caused by the additional buildup of fluid in the front part of the eye. 

The disease can reduce peripheral vision and lead to blindness if it is not treated properly. It remains one of the leading causes of blindness for people over the age of 60.

There are different types of glaucoma, nevertheless, all of them can lead to blindness. If glaucoma is diagnosed properly, one can slow or prevent the early loss of vision.

Glaucoma symptoms include eye pain, blurred vision, and severe headaches.

One of the possible causes of glaucoma, which might be reduced by taking CBD oil, is due to high eye pressure.

The normal eye pressure should range between 12 to 22 mmHg. An abnormal eye pressure, above 22 mmHg, can cause glaucoma.

Learn everything about glaucoma and find all the natural solutions to treat it naturally, including various diet programs, alternative medicine, vitamins, supplements, herbal medicine, and home remedies.

Why Cannabis helps for Glaucoma?

Cannabis can treat glaucoma or slow down its progression because it lowers the intraocular pressure (IOP) or the pressure of the fluid inside the eye.

Some studies show that cannabis can treat glaucoma. The first study published in 1971 titled “Marijuana Smoking and Intraocular Pressure” found a 30% decrease in eye pressure, among a significant number of participants, after smoking marijuana. Since then many studies have been published confirming that cannabinoids may reduce the pressure of the eye.

How Cannabis works for Glaucoma

The exact mechanism behind how cannabis lowers eye pressure is not properly understood yet and still being researched. However, some studies suggest that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) dilates the blood vessels in the eyes, causing them to expand, thereby reducing eye pressure.

Accordingly, this helps treat and even prevent the main cause of glaucoma and reduces its progression.

Cannabis dose for Glaucoma: How to Take it

Research has shown that topical use of CBD for glaucoma was not very effective. Instead, THC was able to lower increased intraocular pressure (IOP) between 25% to 40% when smoked, ingested, or inhaled.

Nevertheless, there is no official recommended dose of cannabis for glaucoma as it varies depending on one’s condition, weight, gender, and age. The quality of the plant can play a role as well. The dosage of cannabis for glaucoma also depends on what methods people choose to use.

When cannabis is smoked, the effect of a marijuana cigarette can last between 3-4 hours. Thus, a person would need to smoke 6-8 cigarettes per day to reduce eye pressure over a period of 24 hours. That is the equivalent of ingesting 18-20 mg of THC.

Doses between 10-20 mg have effectively reduced eye pressure when cannabis is ingested as oil. It is also important to maintain the proper dose of CBD is important because doses above 40 mg may have the opposite effect and increase intraocular pressure (IOP) in the eye.

Accordingly, many experts argue that THC can be only effective for glaucoma in high doses, about 18 to 20 mg, taken six to eight times a day, every day. Ingesting such a large amount of cannabis would have detrimental effects on health as it might affect mood and mental clarity. If smoked, this can have severe impact on lung health.

Always consult your doctor before using cannabis to avoid taking the wrong dosing of cannabis.


Factors affecting Cannabis quality: 

Several factors can impact the plant’s potency and alter its effects on the body. These factors affect the dosage each person can take. They include:

- The type of cannabis plant

- The quality of the plant

- How cannabis was used i.e., whether it was smoked or ingested

- How the plant was processed

Therefore, defining the exact dosage remains challenging. It will be subject to disparity until a specific product is defined, tested properly, and officially approved by the government.

Using Cannabis for Glaucoma: precautions

If you are considering taking CBD for glaucoma, there are some precautions that you should take into consideration:

- Alcohol: cannabis should not be mixed with alcohol since it may cause dizziness, drowsiness, and impaired judgment. Alcohol will increase these effects.

- Medications: cannabis can increase the effects of medications that cause drowsiness such as antihistamines, antidepressants, seizure medicine, and pain relievers among others. 

- Pregnancy or breastfeeding: women should avoid using cannabis during pregnancy or if they are planning on becoming pregnant. Smoking may increase the risk of having a child born with physical and mental defects, and a lower birth weight.

- Driving: cannabis use can cause dizziness, drowsiness, and impaired judgment. Therefore, it’s important to avoid driving so you don’t endanger yourself or harm others.

Using Cannabis for Glaucoma: side effects

Smoking cannabis might have some negative side effects. That is why doctors recommend taking CBD oil rather than smoking cannabis for medical purposes. These harmful effects might include developing:
- Respiratory problems: smoking cannabis can irritate the lungs and increase the risk of several conditions like chronic bronchitis and cancer of the respiratory tract.

- Heart disease: smoking cannabis increases the heart rate and might aggravate existing heart conditions.

- Mental health problems: the THC component of cannabis can decrease concentration levels, which can worsen short-term memory. When taken in high doses, it can even cause hallucinations and delusions.

- Addiction: many people who smoke cannabis long term might develop an addiction and depend on it because its THC component makes them feel “high.”

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