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Blood Type Diet For Dementia

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Blood Type Diet For Dementia

Possible causes of Alzheimer from the Blood Type Diet Perspective

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the brain and is characterized by the gradual loss of cognitive and neurological abilities.

The disease is progressive. Over time, it slowly destroys memory, thinking and social skills, and limits the patient’s ability to conduct a basic conversation. Eventually, patients lose the ability to conduct the simplest daily tasks.

As Alzheimer progresses, some of these complications can affect other physical functions of the body, such as swallowing, balance, and bladder control. 

According to the blood type diet, some blood types may develop Alzheimer because of: 

1-  High cortisol levels: elevated cortisol levels are a risk factor for developing Alzheimer.

Cortisol is a stress hormone. It is the body’s main alarm system that helps it handle stress and restores its balance.

Cortisol plays an important role in several body functions, including metabolism. Thus, it manages how the body uses and processes glucose. It is the brain’s main nutrient and helps the brain function properly. 

The blood type diet theory suggests that cortisol can contribute to the development of Alzheimer in three ways 

1- Cortisol kills brain cells and causes the brain to shrink. An individual releases more cortisol when stressed. Over time, high stress levels can cause the brain to shrink or even cause brain cells to die. 

2- High cortisol levels can also disrupt brain synapse function. This disrupts communication between brain cells and leads to memory loss.

3- Cortisol also damages cells in the hippocampus which is the center of memory and learning in the brain. Thus, high cortisol levels affect the way the brain processes memories, which may cause memory loss.


2- Incompatible lectins: consuming unsuitable lectins is a risk factor for developing Alzheimer.

The blood type diet theory suggests that harmful lectins can contribute to the development of Alzheimer in three ways:

1- By binding to sugars on the neurons, lectins cause neuron malfunction. They also disrupt synapse signaling.

Harmful lectins increase the phenomenon of “reactive plasticity,” which occurs when neurons “sprout non-functional side connections.” This sprouting is caused by the excess production of glycosylated sugars to which lectins can bind. 

2- By triggering an immune response and causing inflammation around the neurons.

3- By interacting with blood clotting factors in the blood, lectins form blood clots and slow down blood circulation in the brain.

Learn everything about Alzheimer and find all the natural solutions to treat it naturally, including various diet programs, alternative medicine, vitamins, supplements, herbal medicine, and home remedies.

Why the Blood Type Diet helps treat and prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

The blood type diet posits that the same food can impact people’s health differently because it may produce different chemical reactions with different blood type antigens.

The diet helps treat Alzheimer because it provides each blood type with the proper foods that maintain brain health and function.

Accordingly, the blood type diet advises each blood types to consume specific foods that do not raise the levels of cortisol in their blood. That way, cortisol will not disrupt various brain functions, kill brain cells, or interfere with memory processing.

The diet also advises each blood type to maintain certain kinds of exercise to lower an individual’s cortisol levels and prevent Alzheimer's disease.

It also prescribes suitable foods that do not contain toxic lectins to counteract increased clotting factors in specific blood types. Harmful lectins cause an agglutination reaction in the blood.

This obstructs blood supply to the brain, blocking the brain’s supply of nutrients and oxygen. Thus, by avoiding harmful lectins, each blood type can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Furthermore, the diet recommends that people avoid consuming harmful lectins because the lectins may cause neuron malfunction when they bind to sugars in the brain.

Lectins may also initiate an immune response and cause inflammation around the brain’s neurons. Therefore, by avoiding harmful lectins, all blood types reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

The blood type diet also prescribes anti-inflammatory foods such as pineapple to prevent the inflammation that might be caused by lectins, reducing different blood types’ risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

How the Blood Type Diet works for Alzheimer

The diet works by prescribing specific suitable foods for each blood type to lower stress levels, maintain blood flow to the brain, and maintain proper neuron function.

It advises specific blood types to avoid foods that do not raise the cortisol levels in their blood. That way, cortisol will not disrupt various brain functions, kill brain cells, or interfere with memory processing, increasing the risk for Alzheimer's disease

For instance, blood type A and AB individuals need to be careful because they naturally have more cortisol in their blood than type O or B individuals. As a result, type A and AB individuals might have a higher chance of developing Alzheimer's disease than blood types O and B.

If particular blood types avoid foods that contain harmful lectins, they will reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s because the lectins will not coagulate in the blood and cause blood clots or restrict blood flow to the brain, reducing the possibility of a brain injury.

Blood types A and AB also need to be careful and avoid harmful lectins because they have higher levels of clotting factors in their blood. This increases their chances of developing blood clots and obstructing blood flow to the brain. As a result, type A and AB individuals might have a higher chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease than blood types O and B. 

By avoiding harmful lectins, the blood types will also reduce the risk of developing “reactive plasticity,” where lectins bind to the sugars on the neurons causing them to malfunction. By reducing the probability of “reactive plasticity,” the blood types reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer’s. 

The diet prescribes foods containing “medicinal lectins” to improve and maintain healthy brain function. Some of these brain “superfoods” include different types of vegetables such as broccoli or fruits such as different types of berries for each blood type.  

Broccoli and other greens contain vitamins that help boost a person’s memory. Berries contain antioxidants that help widen blood vessels and increase blood flow to the brain. 

The blood type diet also prescribes anti-inflammatory foods to prevent the inflammation that might be caused by lectins. Inflammation in the brain is one of the main causes of neuron damage, so anti-inflammatory foods help preserve the brain’s neurons.

Blood Type Diet foods for Alzheimer

The blood type is not based on the amounts of macronutrients or calories your body consumes. Instead, it focuses on restricting food groups for each blood type to help maintain proper body functions and prevent and treat medical conditions.

The food types for each blood type are listed below:

- Blood Type O: can eat lean meat, poultry, fish, and vegetables, and fewer grains, beans, and dairy.

- Blood Type A: can eat more fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, and whole grains with little to no meat (vegetarian diet).

- Blood Type B: can eat green leafy vegetables, eggs, most meats (except chicken and pork), and low-fat dairy. They should avoid wheat, corn, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, and sesame seeds.

- Blood Type AB: can eat seafood, tofu, dairy, beans, and grains. They should avoid kidney beans, corn, beef, and chicken.

Blood Type Diet foods for Alzheimer by blood type

Each blood type can prevent Alzheimer’s disease if they eat specific foods that boost the brain’s blood circulation.

Below is the list of foods by blood type to treat and reduce Alzheimer's disease symptoms:


Foods for Blood Type O

People who are blood type O can eat these foods which help prevent Alzheimer’s:

- Beet greens

- Collard greens 

- Seaweed

- Plums

- Blueberries  


Foods for Blood Type A

People who are blood type A can eat these foods which help treat or prevent Alzheimer’s:

- Broccoli

- Kale 

- Escarole

- Blackberries

- Cherries


Foods for Blood Type B

People who are blood type B can eat these foods which help prevent Alzheimer’s : 

- Brussel sprouts

- Cauliflower

- Onions

- Cranberries 

- Watermelon


Foods for Blood Type AB

People who are blood type AB can eat these foods which help prevent Alzheimer’s :

- Parsnip

- Pineapple

- Broccoli

- Cherries 

- Ginger

The Blood Type Diet for Alzheimer: Recommendations to Follow

-  Eat fresh and organic fruits and vegetables: fresh or organic fruits and vegetables have more nutrients. If people eat fruits and vegetables that have been sprayed with pesticides, the chemicals in the pesticides could cause the body to believe it is under attack and overwork the body’s immune system, eventually weakening it.

- Exercise regularly: the diet recommends different kinds of exercise based on your blood type.

The different types of exercise for each blood type are listed below:

o Blood type O: People who are type O should engage in intense exercising activities like jogging or biking.

o Blood type A: People who are type A should focus on low-level activity and stress-relieving exercises like yoga or tai chi.

o Blood type B:  People who are type B should focus on moderate-level exercise and can include yoga or other mindfulness practices.

o Blood type AB: People with type AB blood can combine exercises from blood types A and B.

- Take certain supplements depending on your blood type: the diet restricts the consumption of meat and dairy for specific blood types. This may result in malnutrition, so some blood types must take nutritional supplements to ensure that they get the vitamins and minerals their body needs. 

o  Blood type O individuals need to take Vitamin C, B12, iron, and folic acid supplements.

o  Blood type A individuals need to take Vitamin B, K, calcium, and licorice supplements.

o Blood type B individuals need to take magnesium, ginkgo, licorice, and lecithin supplements. 

o Blood type AB individuals need to take Vitamin C, B12, and iron supplements.


Additional supplements to take: suitable for all blood types

o Cumin

o Larch arabinogalactan,

o Dandelion root

o Ginger

o Stinging nettles (Urtica dioica) leaf

o Rosehip extract or tea

The Blood Type Diet for Alzheimer: What you should Avoid

All of the blood types should avoid:

-  Processed meats: these meats contain high amounts of salt and preservatives that are not good for your body.

- Foods that are high in sugar: high sugar foods can increase blood sugar levels and cause weight gain.

- Simple carbohydrates: simple carbohydrates can cause weight gain because they are broken down and converted into fat.

- Drinking water with meals: do not drink water when you are eating because this can slow down digestion. 


Specific Foods to Avoid by Blood Type: 


Foods to avoid for Blood type O

These foods contain lectins that are harmful to type O individuals:

o Wheat

o Corn

o Legumes

o Kidney beans

o Dairy


Foods to avoid for Blood type A

These foods contain lectins that are harmful to type A individuals:

o Beef

o Pork

o Lamb

o Cow’s milk

o  Potatoes, yams, and sweet potatoes

o Certain vegetables, such as cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, and mushrooms

o Lima beans

o Certain fruits, such as melons, oranges, strawberries, and mangos

o Poultry other than chicken and turkey, such as duck

o Venison

o Fish, such as bluefish, barracuda, haddock, herring, and catfish

o Some grains and grain products, such as wheat bran, multigrain bread, and durum wheat

o Refined sugar

o Refined carbohydrates, such as white flour and white bread

o Oils other than olive oil

o Artificial ingredients

o Most condiments


Foods to avoid for Blood type B

These foods contain lectins that are harmful to type B individuals:

o Corn 

o Wheat

o Chicken 

o Buckwheat  

o Lentils

o Tomatoes

o Some nuts like peanuts 

o Some seeds like sesame seeds 


Foods to avoid for Blood type AB

These foods contain lectins that are harmful to type AB individuals:

o Some beans like red beans, kidney beans, and chickpeas

o Smoked and cured meats

o Chicken, duck, and goose 

o Condiments like mustard and vinegar

o Duck eggs 

o Some cheeses like American cheese, blue cheese, brie cheese, Camembert, Parmesan, provolone

o Wheat products 

o Certain fruits like avocado, bananas, bitter melon, coconut/coconut milk, dewberries, guava, mango, oranges, persimmons, and pomegranates

Blood Type Diet for Alzheimer: precautions

The diet can be restrictive for some blood types, like type A and type O, so you must be careful to receive the vitamins and minerals that your body needs from other food sources. 

Always consult with a health expert before starting any diet, especially if you have a chronic health condition like diabetes, heart disease, or if you are taking any medication.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or treatment.

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