Diseases and conditions

Autism Dos and Don'ts

Prevention center

What you should Avoid for Autism

Avoid viral infections for autism: woman using sanitizer to clean her hands.

Pregnant women should avoid viral infections because they damage the baby’s brain cells.

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Avoid mercury during pregnancy for autism: mercury

Pregnant women should avoid mercury, which can be found in fish because it can increase the risk of autism.

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Avoid vitamin deficiency for autism: different types of vitamins.

Avoiding deficiencies in vitamin B6, folic acid, iron, and magnesium can help prevent autism.  

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Avoid taking medicine to prevent autism: pregnant woman taking prescription drugs.

Pregnant women should avoid prescriptions, especially antidepressants because they can interfere with the baby’s brain cells and alter neural connections.

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Autism Prevention

Avoid C section

Women giving birth should avoid cesarean section (C-section) because it might impact the infant brain development. This is because the child's neurological functions

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Do regular check-ups

Regular check-ups with an obstetrician are important because maternal health throughout pregnancy has a significant impact on unborn children.

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Maintain a healthy diet

Pregnant women can lower the risk of autism by eating a diet rich in green vegetables and fruits because it contains antioxidants. Antioxidants help boost the immune system of

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Optimize gut microbiome

Optimizing your gut microbiome is important because a gut microbiome is passed on to a baby during pregnancy and breast-feeding which plays an important role in the baby’s

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Optimize weight

Optimizing your weight before pregnancy is critical to prevent autism because mothers who are underweight or overweight during pregnancy are more likely to have babies with a low

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Reduce exposure to toxins

Pregnant women should limit airborne toxins by wearing masks and staying indoors when air quality is low. This is because environmental factors play a role in developing autism.

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Take omega-3

Ensure adequate omega 3 intake during pregnancy because it helps prevent autism. Omega 3 is essential for the baby’s brain development and plays an important role in

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Take vitamin D

Vitamin D supplement is important because increasing intake of vitamin D has been linked to better neurological development in fetuses. In addition, vitamin D prevents

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